If they did a debt offering, it would undoubtedly be oversubscribed, meaning that they could probably get away with paying little to no interest& basically, free money. 要是他们发行债券融资,无疑将获得超额认购,意味着他们几乎不必支付任何利息&基本上是免费使用。
A person employed to conduct others, as through a museum, and give information about points of interest encountered. Free docent guided tours: daily ( except Sunday) at 2 pm. 导游,向导引导游览者游览博物馆等地并对所到的旅游点进行介绍的人除了星期日,每天下午两点都有免费的导览。
And I think what is in the interest of the US is free trade, Mr Zhou said. 我相信自由贸易符合美国利益,周文重说。
You can transfer credit card balances once the initial interest free period is up to another card, and so continue your interest free credit. 你可以传递初始一旦信用卡余额免息期最长的另一卡等你继续免息贷款。
I was in debt with the bank and the building society, but my father helped me in my hour of need and made me an interest-free loan. 我欠了银行和建屋互助金的债,但我父亲在我困难时给了我帮助,向我提供无息贷款。
As from today, 30 per cent of all foreign currency inflows of more than$ 20,000 will be held on deposit – interest free – by the central bank, unless the money relates to a trade in goods or services. 从今日起,对于所有超过2万美元的外国货币流入,都将有30%必须存放于泰国央行(无息),但与货物或服务贸易相关的资金除外。
If only they pay the mobile phone bill in advance, consumers can get mobile phones free and interest free mortgage. “免息按揭预缴话费送手机”是近年来颇受广大消费者欢迎的一种新型的手机销售方式。
If you lent someone money interest free. 如果你无息借钱给某人。
Her statement during a regional summit in Hanoi that the US has a national interest in the free navigation of the South China Sea provoked fury in China and a fair deal of quiet applause elsewhere. 她在河内举行的地区峰会上表示,南海自由航行涉及美国的国家利益,这激怒了中国,但在其它地方引发了暗暗的喝彩。
Net interest ASP online store system, free and open source, easy to modify, covering all the features of online store system. 网趣ASP网店系统,免费开源,修改方便,涵盖了网店系统的所有功能。
They may take the form of greater interest in free content on the Internet and the simple pleasures of a daily walk, instead of expensive vacations and N.B.A.box seats. 没有昂贵的度假和NBA球票,我们可以享受互联网上的免费内容和每天散步的简单快乐。
Optimists see shadow banking as a largely positive development, the stirrings of a more sophisticated financial system in which interest rates break free of state control and risk is more closely matched with reward. 乐观者认为,“影子”银行的发展在很大程度上是一件好事,能够促进金融体系走向成熟利率水平将摆脱政府控制,风险与回报的匹配度也将有所提高。
Any interest free credit card can prove very advantageous for you. 每种免息信用卡都会为您带来便利。
One academic proposed that negative assets owners be given mortgage interest tax free to relieve their burden. 一学者建议给予负资产业主按揭利息供款免税,以减轻他们的负担。
I suggest to you a new US Government guaranteed interest free loan program for the wealthy immigrants. 我给你一个建议,针对富裕移民,美国政府可以作出担保的一个新的无利息贷款方案。
But many nations traverse the sea for shipping and military purposes and have an interest in keeping it free for navigation. 但有很多国家为了航运或军事目需要穿越南海,并共同希望南海自由通航。
But it said that as a major trading nation, it has a critical interest in maintaining Free navigation through the area. 但是新加坡说,作为一个主要贸易国,保持这一地区的自由航行对新加坡的利益至关重要。
The world is now in the post-crisis, and Europe and China have plenty of common interest in free trade and investment. 当今世界正处于后经济危机时代,中欧在自由贸易和投资方面有很多共同利益。
Such international interest had to be free from any suspicion of economic imperialism. 这种国际上的关心必须毫无帝国主义经济的嫌疑。
"Cheap" or "inexpensive" may generate a wave of interest, but "free" will usually do it much faster. 便宜“或者”不贵“也许会让人产生兴趣,但是”免费“通常来得更快。
Interest groups are free associations. 利益集团都是自由的社团。
The three characteristics of market economy including labor division and exchange, independent subjective interest, and free selection contribute to the economic right advancement of individuals in several perspectives. 市场经济的分工与交换、独立的主体利益和自由选择三个特征从不同的方面推动着个人经济权利的进步。
The results show that: the sample funds exceed the interest rate free of risk during the research period. 通过论文的分析表明,样本基金在考察期间内取得了高于无风险利率的收益。
The relationship between the three main factors of RMB ( exchange rate, interest rate and its free exchange) and the capital market of China embodies the relationship between currency market and capital market. 人民币汇率、利率及其自身的自由兑换是人民币的三大要素,其与中国资本市场的关系体现了中国货币市场与资本市场的关系。
On Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, RMB Free Exchange and Capital Market of China 汇率、利率及人民币自由兑换与中国资本市场
After the revival of the Roman law, the proprietorship in the period of modern law is of such properties as absolute, exclusive and perpetual, and gives a full emphasis on the interest and free will of proprietors. 经过近代罗马法的复兴,近代法时期的所有权具有了绝对性,排他性和永久性,充分强调了所有权人的利益和意志自由。
Just as its name implies, interest rate marketization means the interest rate is decided by the free market. 顾名思义,利率市场化就是由市场自主决定利率。
The acquisition of land in the session, a number of local governments to pursue money one-sided and almost all land acquisition projects have a ride in the public interest, free to sell, lease state-owned land. 在土地收购环节中,一些地方政府片面追求以地生财,几乎一切征地项目都搭车公共利益,随意出让,批租国有土地。
Many farmers no longer select to loan from banks or rural credit cooperatives and other national formal rural financial institutions, but from some non-formal financial channels with simple formalities, low interest or even free interest. 4. 很多农户不再考虑向银行或农村信用社等国家正规农村金融机构贷款,而是转向手续简单、利息低甚至无息的非正规金融渠道。